Cucurucho (dulce de coco)


Traje de Ireme . Abakuá

Silla de hierro



Mestiza de chino

Trajes de Ireme. (Diseños)

Arados de metal perfeccionado (con doble vertedera)


Arado cultivador


General characteristics
The obsolescence of CD players has made it almost impossible to consult the original multimedia of the Ethnographic Atlas of Cuba on modern devices. For this reason, the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research (ICIC) "Juan Marinello" and the Cuban Institute of Anthropology (ICAN) have decided to create this website, which facilitates access to this work of extraordinary value.
The possibility of consulting the Atlas online contributes to the development of cultural research and promotion, as well as teaching, and opens the door to its updating and enrichment. It is also a tribute to the work of the hundreds of researchers-surveyors who participated in its elaboration and ...
The possibility of consulting the Atlas online contributes to the development of cultural research and promotion, as well as teaching, and opens the door to its updating and enrichment. It is also a tribute to the work of the hundreds of researchers-surveyors who participated in its elaboration and ...
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The multimedia CD Ethnographic atlas of cuban culture was registered with the ISBN 978-959-7118-03-9 in the Cuban Book Chamber on March 30, 1998 and its general production was carried out by the following institutions:
For the quality of its results, the Ethnographic Atlas of Cuba received the Annual Research Award and Special Award from the Minister of CITMA in 1997.
Ethnographic atlas of Cuba
Traditional popular culture